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Scuba diving is a fun-filled adventure recreational sport that has found lovers in different parts of the world, irrespective of age and cultural differences. oakley sunglasses , There are various experts and professionals who offer scuba diving training and assistance to young scuba divers and beginners in ensuring them a safe and fun learning experience. cheap oakley sunglasses sale , new oakley sunglasses 2012 ,

Similar to most adventure sports, SCUBA or "Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus" also comes with certain safety measures which if not followed lead to accidents and mishaps underwater. There are various health problems that are caused by the underwater sport such as inner ear barotraumas, pulmonary barotraumas, decompression sickness and arterial gas (AGE) that result from the pressure differences underwater and other risks of injuries. Hence, it is important that scuba diving safety tips are understood and brought into common practice before beginning any scuba dive session on one's own free will.

Some of the important tips to keep in mind during dive sessions include:.

